Networking Tips

The SUCCESS Framework

Jamie Grenney
November 15, 2023
The SUCCESS Framework

This is a framework that Salesforce pioneered years ago. Marc talks about it in Behind the Cloud and it is where Connect The Dots got its name.

Two things stand out when revisiting the SUCCESS framework.

#1 These plays stand up 20 years later

#2 CTD makes all these plays WAY easier to execute

Seed & Grow – Create a list similar to the one above with all your customer accounts. See who you know and who you could reach in other parts of the organization.

Users Sell for You – Invite your customer champions to connect with you on CTD. Identify  opportunities for them to introduce you to peers in their network. That gives you a warm intro and a built in reference.

Compelling Demos Pull up the company and see if you can identify mutual contacts to work into your demo. They'll be impressed and the story will be stickier.

Connect The Dots See where your executives and external connectors have relationships across your target accounts. Share lists to generate offers, or write ghost emails.

Experience Events Get the right people to attend field marketing events. CXOs and VPs are far more likely to attend an event if they're invited, or promoted, by someone they know and respect.

Sell High and Sell Through When selling high, cold outreach makes no sense. You're going to have far more success having the note come through an executive or investor.

Show Them The Money Introduce them to someone in their network who has had success with your product and can highlight how they're measuring success.

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